
Brugada Syndome

  Brugada Syndrome (BrS) is a rare arrhythmogenic cardiac channelopathy characterised by >0.2mV of ST segment elevation and negative T-wave in more than one anterior precordial leads (v1 v2, v3) and is associated with risk of sudden cardiac death resulting from lethal arrythmias (VF/VT). It is caused by mutation in cardio-myocyte voltage channels. Various mutations are implied resulting in BrS. Most common among them is the mutation in SCN5A, a sodium channel encoding gene. BrS has both familial (autosomal dominant) and sporadic variants. Three Brugada ECG patterns (BEP) are seen in BrS. These BEP-Type1, Type 2 and Type 3 can be present in a same patient under different circumstances. But mostly patients present with any one of these patterns in their ECGs. Alternatively, a patient may have normal ECG and BEP is unmasked in certain conditions. BEP in ECG can be best brought out by placing the anterior precordial leads (v1 v2, v3) in 2nd or 3rd Intercostal spaces (high leads) Mos...
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